Scholarship(s) applying for (please check all that apply) *
List details of the major scholarships received (e.g., Tri-Council, OGS, Alzheimer’s, J&J Memorial etc). Indicate any awards you chose not to take as “declined”.
List all conference oral presentations that you have delivered, divided into to local, national, or international conferences.
List all conference poster presentations that you have personally presented, divided into local, national, or international conferences. Do not list posters on which you were not the presenting contributor.
List details of all papers published or in press at a referred journal
List details of all manuscripts submitted to a referred journal. Do not include manuscripts in preparation
List any other awards that indicate research excellence or potential (e.g., awards for best publications or presentation).
List all professional, academic and extracurricular activities as well as collaborations with supervisors, colleagues, peers, students and members of the community