Scholarships Awards
Personal Information
(in current degree)
If you are a current student, did you apply for OGS this year
Would you like the graduate studies office to use your OGS application? *
Are you a new Western student, admitted in the last 9 months? *
Would you like the graduate studies office to use your admissions application? *
Will this project be co-supervised by a clinician and a basic science researcher? *
[no more than a page is necessary/required]
[no more than a page is necessary/required]
[you must include month and year]
[include all awards, the amount and years offered/awarded]
[including summer research experience]
The format for listing publications, abstracts and meeting presentations must be followed exactly as shown below. Cut and paste from your CV each citation into the appropriate document box in the application form. Include all authors in proper order; the complete title, journal, page numbers and year of publication. Also include latest available journal impact factor; citation numbers and your h-index if applicable. Finally a brief 3-4 line description of your role in completing the research and publication process is required for each publication listed. This is not required for abstracts or oral or poster presentations. Templates are as follows:
Examples of a publication:
Calder, M.D. Watson, P.H. & Watson A.J. 2011. Culture medium, gas atmosphere and MAPK inhibition affect regulation of RNA binding protein (RPB) targets during mouse preimplantation development. Reproduction 142: 689-698. Impact Factor 3.555 My role was to assist with study design, research result analysis, paper drafting and submission; also in obtaining operating grant support to fund the study.
Example of Abstracts:
Bell CE, Watson AJ (2009) The expression of transcription actors SNAi1and SNAI2 throughout preimplantation development. Biol Reprod Sp p101
Example of a presentation:
From Zygote to Blastocyst: How we made it? 22nd UCLA symposium on InVitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproductive Technologies â Santa Barbara California July 12-14th 2009.
Referee Information
Please have your referee send their references by the deadline date specified in the application directly to Janelle Pritchard at jpritch7@uwo.ca